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Mobile Fin Aid


Starting soon the Snow College financial aid office is introducing a new easy, mobile, personalized process that makes everything about financial aid easier called studentforms.

Providing the best student experience is important to us, and we heard your feedback loud and clear. You want to be able to complete FinAid processes on your own time, on the device of your preference, studentforms will help provide that service and more.

We’re proud to say that soon using Studentforms all Snow Badger students will be able to.

  • Complete financial aid forms on your phone, tablet, or computer.
  • Securely upload documents from any device. 
  • E-sign documents—both you and your parents! 
  • Manage your financial aid tasks online
  • Receive automated reminders about outstanding tasks and next steps

What steps do I need to take to use Studentforms Mobile Financial Aid Services?

  • Complete your 2023 - 2024 FAFSA, once completed, submitted and recieved by Snow College, you will be sent an email with studentforms signup Instructions
  • Verify you have access to your student email. All communications will be sent to your secure student email.
    • Admissions must be completed before receiving access to your student email
    • Been admitted but still having issues accessing email? contact help desk at 435-283-7777, or submit a help ticket
    • When you have student email access, you will be emailed instructions on setting up account with Studentforms 
    • Been admitted, submitted FAFSA, have access to student email but not seing an email with instructions, contact Financial Aid Office at 435-283-7129

I have already completed my financial aid process, what do I do?

  • If you have completed your Financial Aid process for the 2023-2024 aid year, you do not need to do anything, as your account has been verfied by the Financial Aid Office, You will still need to sign up with Studentforms for the 2024 - 2025 aid year and will recieve instructions as that comes closer.
  • If you have been verified by the Financial Aid Office but a circumstance changes that requires additional documentation, you may be instructed to sign into studentforms. If that happens you will be notified and assisted by the financial aid office on how to get your account setup.

I have started my 2023-2024 financial aid process, but have not completed all tasks, now what?

  • If you have submitted some documentation for your financial aid, but are still in the process of submitting more required documents, you are Partially Verified, you will complete verification outside of Studentforms, by submitting paper forms into the Financial Aid Office. 
  • Once verified you will also need to create a studentforms account for the following 2024-2025 Aid year. You will recieve instruction on how that will be done as the aid year draws closer. 


What do I need to do today to get started?

  • Verify your FAFSA has been recieved by the Financial Aid Office
  • Check your Student Email frequently for Studentforms login instructions
  • Because of the timing of implementation for Studentforms, we suggest moving forward with your Financial Aid Process the way is currently is, up until your receive an email to signup for Studentforms, this insures that there is no hold up of processing your Financial Aid as we implement this new software. Any questions or concerns please contact the Financial Aid Office at 435-283-7129 or email us at